CEE Her Workshop, 12-14 September 2022, Bratislava
GLOBSEC held its very first edition of the CEE Her mentoring workshop with 14 exceptional young female professionals from the CEE+ region. The workshop took place between 12-14 September in Bratislava. Our young female professionals came from Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine, representing various professional backgrounds related to international relations and public affairs.
The workshop kicked-off with a dinner hosted by our State Secretary Ingrid Brocková. State Secretary welcomed the ladies in Slovakia and highlighted the importance of gender equality and female empowerment. Very lively and interesting discussion was moderated by our CEE Her Ally Kevin Karabin, Strategic Forums Director at GLOBSEC. Ladies shared their own experiences and challenges in their professional lives.
The second day of the workshop was dedicated to personal development. Our young female professionals spent a day with an excellent lecturer Martin Poliačik one of the founders of the Academy of critical thinking. The ladies had a chance to enhance their critical thinking and argumentation skills. It was a very productive day!
We concluded the day with a guided tour the old city centre of Bratislava. We had a drink at the observation deck UFO and dinner at the banks of the river Danube.
The very last day of the workshop we discussed the gender gap in the CEE+ region. We had a very productive brainstorming session where we identified key challenges and possible solutions related to gender equality in the workplace. Based on the very valuable discussion we produced a policy brief putting together all the ideas discussed by the young female professionals.
You can download the policy brief here:
We concluded our CEE Her mentoring workshop discussing with truly inspiring Ambassadors. We were honoured to have Amb. Lorea Arribalzaga Ceballos and Amb. Gabriella Sancisi talking about gender bias, women empowerment, and feminism. Our young female professionals also shared their experiences and challenges in their own career growth.
It was a pleasure to host such exceptional young female professionals and we hope to keep this network alive. Until next time!